Perceptions of Efficacious Teachers Regarding Their Experiences of Professional Development: A Narrative Inquiry
This qualitative investigation followed a narrative inquiry research approach to determine how 5 teachers, identified as efficacious and committed to life-long learning, perceived the experiences of their professional development. In-depth interviews were conducted to answer two research questions: 1) how do efficacious teachers perceive professional development experiences? 2) which professional development experiences do efficacious teachers consider the most and least important in terms of improving instruction? Data analyses included transcribing, coding, and constructing five narratives. Findings indicated that teachers value professional development experiences that offer relevant knowledge, time for reflective thinking, practical knowledge, and empowerment to make better choices regarding instruction. It was also highlighted that the lack of time, and lack of discussing ideas or problems with colleagues was barriers teachers confronted when applying new learning. On these bases some suggestions were made to be given due consideration.