Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices of Cooperative Learning and Its Influence on Classroom Learning
This study was launched in order to contribute to the body of researchers conducted for investigating teachers’ perceptions and practices about cooperative learning in the classroom. The main objective of this study was to learn about the reasons and perceptions of teachers why they choose to implement or not to implement cooperative learning strategies and how the use of the same influences their class classroom teaching and learning the process. The benefits of the cooperative learning strategies are supported by multiple research studies and conclude in students' intellectual performances along with behavioral improvements. Copious research studies focus on the benefits and methods of the cooperative learning process while lacking teachers’ perceptions and practices of cooperative learning. Evaluation of teachers’ perceptions and practices of cooperative learning in this research study was conducted at the secondary level in district Kohat. The study was descriptive in nature, the questionnaire was developed by the researcher with the kind and immense consultation of the supervisor. The population of the study comprises all the teachers teaching at the Secondary level at district Kohat while 50 teachers were selected using convenient sampling techniques. Keeping in view the cultural restriction only female teachers were taken as the sample of the study. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and central tendencies. Analysis of the quantitative questionnaire showed that most of the teachers like and tend to use cooperative learning strategies. The use of these strategies makes their classes not only conducive to learning and but also develops social skills, self-esteem, cooperation and confidence in students.