The use of E-learning Willingness among the Students of University – a case study of District Multan
The procedure of e-learning consisted of combination of both humans and computers. Electronic learning strategies are used to enhance learning environment. These strategies make teaching learning environment better for an educational institution. The aim of the present study was to identify the university students’ readiness for e-learning. The target population of the study was the public sector university students at Multan district. Probability random sampling technique was used. By applying stratified random sampling technique 200 university students were selected from four public sector universities of Multan District. A questionnaire was developed after ensuring the validity and reliability of the instrument. The key findings of this study showed that over all students were partially satisfied with the resources provided by the universities for e learning. A moderate readiness for e-learning was showed by the students. Based on the findings it is recommended that the university student’s readiness for e-learning must be encouraged by the university authorities.