Institutional Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Performance: The Moderating effect of Transformational and Transactional Leadership
This study aims to explore the relationship between transformational leadership (TFL), transactional leadership (TSL) styles, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices. The study explains the role of leadership styles between CSR and organizational performance (OP) to investigate the influence of leadership styles over CSR practices this study is the first of its kind in the Asian perspective and Pakistan in particular. Self-administered questionnaires are used to conduct this large-scale field study, data is collected from major cities of Pakistan. Questionnaires are filled by executive managers and administrative staff. Purposive sampling technique is adopted to approach the respondents. Obtained results prove that TFL is more closely interlinked to CSR practices and this relationship becomes robust with the involvement of stakeholder-oriented marketing. Moreover, findings suggest that TSL increases while the TFL decreases the relationship between CSR practices and OP.