Promotional Policies and Its Impact Over the Performance of High School Teachers (HSTs) Of Public Secondary Schools at District Badin
The primary objective of this study was to investigate the promotional policies and their impact on the performance of High School Teachers (HSTs) of public secondary schools of district Badin. To conduct this research both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Primary data were collected through interviews and a self-administered questionnaire survey. 206 HSTs talked about their, experiences, ideas, they provided valuable comments and feedback to accomplish this study. Moreover, secondary data were collected from official documents such as official promotion policy papers. Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used. The quantitative data were analyzed through SPSS-version 20, whereas; qualitative data were analyzed through the Miles & Huberman Model of qualitative data analysis. Findings indicate that HSTs lack basic information about promotion policies as a result they do not get promotions on time. Besides, there are frequent changes in the promotion eligibility criteria at the policymakers' end. However, it was noticed that promotions are being done on a merit basis (but are delayed promotions) following necessary (fair) procedures in the district. The causes of delayed promotions are negligence of accountable officials, poor government policies regarding promotions, bribes demand by clerical staff, and also the inattentiveness of teachers in submitting their documents. The bottom line is HSTs are completely not aware of the exact promotion policies, they lack information that when their promotions are due. Therefore, HSTs of district Badin must be properly educated about the promotion criteria, procedure and policies. Training on promotions and policies must be given to them so that every individual teacher could be aware of the promotions and policies.