Assessing the Role of Pedagogy in Performance of Schools in Rural Islamabad
Rural areas in Pakistan are confronted with multiple problems including the provision of quality education to rural children. The key component of quality education is the level of pedagogy in rural schools. Effective pedagogy contributes significantly towards students' learning. The current study was conducted to assess the role of pedagogy as a major determinant in schools' performance in four rural sectors of Islamabad. The universe of this study included all public schools located in four rural sectors of Islamabad. There are a total of 275 public schools in rural Islamabad. A sample of 83 schools, both primary and secondary schools, was selected out of the total schools by using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. A self-developed questionnaire entailing the objectives of the study was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were used to analyze data. Pedagogy was assessed through three major components. These are communication skills (CS), lesson planning (LP), and command of content (CoC). These components were quantified accordingly. Results showed that pedagogy had a positive and highly significant effect on school performance at both primary and secondary levels. Provision of quality education is the right of rural children like those in urban settings where access to and quality of education are much better. Efforts should be made to improve and diversify pedagogical practices in rural schools and bring these at par with urban schools.