Effectiveness of Learning Management System for Teaching English Language at Higher Education Level
The present research study was conducted in one of the private sector universities of Lahore city in Pakistan. This study has utilized a quantitative paradigm that included a single group pre-test post-test experimental design. The problem identified was a less developed English language grammar skill in the students and also how to teach English language successfully to the large classes i.e. consisting of 50 to 60 students. The main purpose was to develop some plans to facilitate the large classes. A single group quasi-experiment was conducted for four months (one semester) to find out whether the implementation of the Learning Management System (LMS) for the teaching of the English language is successful or not. The rationale of the study was to provide detailed lesson plans and analysis of how the teaching is done through the LMS in large English language classes like having 50 to 65 students per class. The results showed that LMS or the Learning Management System proved to be successful for teaching English to large classes as it saved time for the teachers and students both along with providing ample guidance and support. The present study is significant as it provides a guideline for other institutes on how they can also utilize this software effectively for teaching the English language.