A Test-Based Confirmatory Study of the Existence of an Underlying Relationship between Linguistic and Mathematical Skills
The present study intended to explore the relationship of second language (L2) skills with first language (L1) skills, and mathematics skills. Language skills and mathematical skills share the same sub-skills, the same regions in the brain for their processing, and similar psychological development (Purpura & Ganley, 2014). Language skills and mathematics skills are shown to be monitored and operated from the same regions of the brain, therefore there is a strong possibility that these skills would be concurrent predictors of one another and could correlate significantly with one another. To test this hypothesis, scores of one hundred girls (of 11 years of age in the subjects of English, Urdu, and mathematics in the grade 5 examination conducted under Punjab Education Commission) were taken as participants. Their statistical analyses confirmed the existence of a strong correlation among L1, L2, and mathematical skills.