Evaluation of Students Perception Regarding Educational Environment and Future Prospects: A Comparative Study of Bacha Khan University and Abdul Wali Khan University
Amid increasingly regional economic competition, accelerating productivity adhere special importance, whereas boosting the quality over quantity of human-capital comprises an important component of productivity and growth. This research tries to identify the two sister universities: Bacha Khan University at Charsadda (BKUC) and Abdul Wali Khan University at Mardan (AWKUM), students’ perception regarding educational environment. Structured questionnaire method being followed to quantify both universities’ students perception regarding educational, administrative and their response towards job searching. Responses of the students at BKUC were more varied than students at AWKUM. But at structural level, due to the lack of space availability, lack of proper training, number of permanent faculty members, and curriculum design and delivery, students at BKUC are more interested to have libraries, sufficient number of classrooms, permanent faculty members to ease supervisor availability for the purpose to conduct smoothly their academic activities. Whereas, after graduation most of the students hunt for government jobs as compared to other selected areas of work. But due to the development differences of Mardan and Charsadda regions, students at AWKUM prefers to establish their own businesses as compared to BKUC.