The Transgenders’ Segregation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan) with Special Focus on their Inaccessibility to Higher Secondary / Higher Education
Transgender is a comprehensive and inclusive term. This term separates and divides those people whose gender manifestation does not have any correspondence and resemblance with their gender identification at the time of their birth. This research article focused on the issues of transgenders with the special focus on their inaccessibility to education. The transgenders residing in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) feel themselves in a pit of infamy. The objectives of this article were to discover the hurdles and barriers faced by transgenders in KP not only in their day to day life but also in their inaccessibility to education.
The transgenders of the District Mardan (the second biggest city of KP) was the population of the study. The Chain referral sampling technique was adopted because the population of the study was not easily accessible. The sample of 20 participants was selected and it comprised of two teachers, two lawyers, two trans parents and fourteen transgenders. The thematic interpretation and analysis revealed that transgenders faced hurdles and scathing attitude in every walk of life especially in their access to education. The main reason behind their plight is the lack of knowledge among the common masses regarding the status and rights of transgenders in the Islamic state of Pakistan. This article is an eye-opener for all the social circles / organizations and NGO’s not only nationally but also globally.